Our Vision, Culture and Values 2 of 5

2. Our Vision

Our vision for the Football Club is based on the following fundamentals:

  1. Fundamentally our aim is to allow children to be children, to play, to create friendships, to learn life.
  2. For players, coaches and parents to have a positive and rewarding experience.
  3. To create an environment and culture which will challenge, inspire and encourage the ambitions of young footballers, enabling them to reach their full potential.
  4. Winning is great but shouldn’t be at the expense of our core values. Needs of the child should come first and winning shouldn’t be a measure of success.
  5. To enhance links with local schools and community groups.
  6. Support the FA ‘Player for Life” initiative and follow FA Guidance.
  7. We want to recruit players and coaches based on our core values.