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Our Core Values
Our Vision, Culture and Values 3 of 5

3. Our Core Values

We have 7 core values that players, coaches, parents and other club members work from. Whilst many are as you would expect, it's important to have a clear defined list of values that we can all be judged by. There is no priority between the 7, despite the numbering. Each is expected to be given the same level of commitment.

1/ Safety – Ensuring we provide a safe environment with adequate facilities
Health & Safety! Without it we can't achieve our vision. In order to develop players and coaches we must ensure we are providing the safest environments we can, whether it's pitches, equipment or indoor facilities, we will ensure safety is forefront of our decision making process.

2/ Bold– We are not afraid to try new things & ideas. It makes us different
If we really believe in the culture and vision we have to be prepared to go against the norm, push standard boundaries and see where it takes us. We encourage players to play without fear, to experiment with solutions to problems they face, as part of their learning curve so off the pitch we need to be just as bold and brave to continue discovering and developing.

3/ Inclusion – Football is for everyone
This really speaks for itself. There is no barrier to football participation, there is no exam to be passed, there is no expectation to be met. We commit to opening the door, you just need to commit to walking through with a smile!

4/ Respect – Officials, each other, opponents, ourselves
OK so this is a buzz word and has been in the spot light from the FA for a number of years now but it goes beyond on the pitch behaviour. This extends to supporters and coaches. How coaches communicate to parents, how the club treat our members and is a life skill that we wish to instil in players when they take off the Bloxham logo.

5/ Teamwork – Unite the people involved and work together
A culture can only become a culture if all involved contribute. The vision and values can be driven from the committee but we want parents, grand parents, neighbours and partners to help us achieve and maintain them.

6/ Fun – Football should be fun, it’s a game
Perhaps not just a value but also a measure of our success. If we can get this right, we will succeed!

7/ Education – Educate players, coaches, and parents
This is a learning environment so education must be included. We must educate around our values and culture but must also ensure everyone is given the opportunity to learn more. Players to develop as footballers, coaches to develop their journey, parents to participate as coaches and support their child, we can all learn more!